September 12 - 13, 2025|Toronto
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BMO Investments Inc.

Booth: 101

BMO Exchange Traded Funds has been a leading ETF provider in Canada for more than 12 years in terms of new flows, with over 100 strategies, over 25 per cent market share in Canada1, and $87.7 billion in assets under management. BMO ETFs are designed to stay ahead of market trends and provide compelling solutions to help investors meet their financial goals. This includes a comprehensive suite of ETFs developed in Canada for Canadians, such as cost-effective core equity ETFs following market leading indexes, and a broad range of fixed-income ETFs; innovation with smart beta ETFs, as well as combining active and passive investing with ETF series of active mutual funds.

1Morningstar, Jan 2023

Session Details

Three ETFs to Lower Volatility in Your Portfolio: Winning by Not Losing
Friday, September 13, 2024, 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm
Focus: ETFs

In this session, we explore strategies to lower portfolio volatility and focus on “winning by not losing” amidst various investment risks. Volatility is often seen as the price of admission for achieving investment returns, but this is not necessarily the case. We will discuss cash alternatives that offer stability and liquidity for short-term allocations, examine low-volatility ETFs that can help reduce price swings while allowing you to remain invested in equity markets, and introduce Buffer ETFs. 

ETF Insights: Exploring the Latest Trends & Cutting Edge Tools
Saturday, September 14, 2024, 9:20 am - 9:35 am
Focus: ETFs

This session will dive into the latest trends shaping the ETF industry and showcase innovative tools available to help you become a more informed investor. Bipan will help you stay on top of the latest evolutions in the marketplace and showcase new tools to help you navigate the growing breadth of ETFs available in Canada. 

The Role of All-in-One Asset Allocation ETFs in Long-Term Wealth Accumulation and Retirement Planning
Saturday, September 14, 2024, 12:45 pm - 1:15 pm
Focus: ETFs

If you are looking to simplify your investment decision-making process, add diversification at a low cost, and reach your long-term financial goals, this session is for you. Whether you’re new to investing, or an experienced investor looking to optimize your portfolio, you’ll gain valuable insights about the role of all-in-one Asset Allocation ETFs in long-term wealth accumulation and retirement planning. You’ll also find out what makes the BMO ETFs suite of all-in-one ETFs unique—and discover important considerations when using them in your investment portfolio.