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Through its seminars, conferences, MoneyShow Membership Programs (each a “Membership Program”) and expos the producer of this Event or Membership Program (the “Producer”) makes available to the attendee or Member a variety of independent sources, as well as sources affiliated with or employed by the Producer or, that offer trading and investment advice and related services and products. These resources provide unique opportunities for the attendee or Member to become informed about trading and investment choices, to hear respected market specialists, to question speakers, exhibitors or Membership Program contributors, to observe, evaluate, and compare. The Producer does not endorse, directly or indirectly, any investment, trade, trading or investment advice, or information or any product or service offered by speakers or exhibitors. Except as specifically stated below, the Producer receives no fees or commissions from exhibitors, advertisers, or web or Membership Program contributors based on their sales. Every trader and investor should consider all advice and all offerings of products and services on their own merit and for suitability to the individual’s personal needs and circumstances.

No content presented at this Event or through Membership Programs by an independent source, or by an affiliate or employee of the Producer constitutes a recommendation that any particular investment, security, portfolio of securities, transaction, or investment strategy is suitable for any specific individual. To the extent that any of the content presented at this Event or through Membership Programs may be deemed to be investment advice, such information is impersonal and not tailored to the investment needs of any specific individual. Any view expressed by an independent source or by an affiliate or employee of the Producer regarding a particular investment, security, portfolio of securities, transaction, or investment strategy are the speakers’ or exhibitors’ own opinions and should not be construed as anything except the speakers’ or exhibitors’ personal opinions; they do not reflect the views of the Producer. The Producer has no standing and no means or process by which it can adequately monitor or control an independent exhibitor’s, speaker’s or contributor’s oral or written representations. Additionally, the views, analysis, advice, and recommendations expressed by exhibitors, speakers or contributors affiliated with or employed by the Producer are not subject to the Producer’s review or verification, and may change at any time. All information provided at this event or through membership programs is provided on a “use at your own risk” basis and every individual should independently undertake such due diligence as he or she feels is necessary to analyze and review all potential investments prior to making any investment decisions. The producer does not and cannot investigate transactions by speakers, exhibitors or contributors or evaluate the merits of any dispute with a speaker, exhibitor, advertiser or contributor. We suggest that if any dispute arises with an exhibitor, advertiser, speaker or contributor it should be pursued directly with the exhibitor, advertiser, speaker or contributor and if the situation warrants, use of any available remedy under appropriate law or regulations should be considered.

Notwithstanding the above, at this Event, through online sites associated with the Producer or through Membership Program resources, certain speakers’ and/or companies’ newsletters, magazines, books and other products or services may be advertised, promoted, and made available for purchase or trial. The materials promoted and made available for purchase or trial may or may not be authored by individuals or companies employed by or affiliated with the Producer or In either case, the Producer or receives a commission only on sales of materials or services made available for purchase by and sold through the Producer, or the Producer’s sales distribution partners.

IMPORTANT Information for Attendees Regarding Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL):
By inquiring or attending the Event or a Membership Program, you acknowledge that the Producer has an "established business relationship" with you and therefore has the right to contact you by phone, email or fax concerning future events and/or productions for up to 24 months. MoneyShow will use RFID technology to ascertain which programs attendees participate in and/or which exhibit booths they visit. By attending and wearing an attendee badge to a general session event and/or by entering a workshop or meeting room or stage presentation or exhibit booth, inside or outside the exhibit hall area, you agree to and provide EXPRESS CONSENT to have your contact details (First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Country, Email Address, Phone Number) passed along to 3rd party presenters and companies who may pay to support your opportunity to participate in their event, as this constitutes an inquiry about those companies’ products or services and an approval by you to receive future contacts from MoneyShow’s partner, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors (“MoneyShow Third Parties”). It also provides your EXPRESS CONSENT to having your mailing and email address provided by the Event Producer to the 3rd party so they can send you information about their products or services. These rights are claimed by the Producer, notwithstanding that you may previously have elected to opt-in or opt-out of communications from the Event producer or other 3rd parties during your current or previous registrations. Except for the sharing contemplated by the preceding sentence, those earlier intentions will not be changed or affected by your acceptance of these terms. Agreeing to be scanned in a workshop/presentation or exhibit booth, or agreeing to be added to a company’s mailing list (through RFID technology or other means) at the Event constitutes an inquiry about that company’s products or services and an approval and EXPRESS CONSENT by you to receive future contacts from MoneyShow’s partner, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors (“MoneyShow Third Parties”). It also provides your EXPRESS CONSENT to having your mailing and email address provided by the Event Producer to that 3rd party so they can send you information about their products or services. A list of MoneyShow Third Parties can be found at

Agreeing to be scanned in a workshop/presentation or exhibit booth, or agreeing to be added to a company’s mailing list (through RFID technology or other means) at the Event constitutes an inquiry about that company’s products or services and an approval and EXPRESS CONSENT by you to receive future contacts from the company involved for up to six months. It also provides your EXPRESS CONSENT to having your mailing and email address provided by the Event Producer to that 3rd party so they can send you information about their products or services.

The Producer strives to provide equal opportunity to all qualified persons to participate in these Events. To further that objective, the Producer will work to provide reasonable accommodations for any person with disabilities requesting accommodation, either in writing or by telephone, at least ten (10) working days prior to the first day of an Event. The Producer will make a reasonable effort to accommodate any request. However, due to the difficulty of providing some types of accommodations, the Producer cannot guarantee accommodation, especially late requests made without ten (10) working days' prior notice.

The risk of loss in electronic active trading or day trading can be substantial. You should, therefore, carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources. Attendees need to be wary of advertisements or other statements that emphasize the potential for large profits in active investing and day trading. Active investing and day trading can also lead to large and immediate financial losses.

The Producer reserves the right to use your likeness or photograph taken at the Event for its own promotional purposes.

All content/material presented at this Event or offered through a Membership Program is protected under U.S. and international copyright laws. By attending or becoming a Member, you agree not to copy, reproduce, record, video, photograph, upload, post, transmit, publish or distribute any material in any form, without the express written permission of the Producer. Exceptions are reserved only for members of the press with pre-approved press credentials from the Producer.

By attending the Event or participating in a Membership Program, you acknowledge that the Producer has a legitimate business interest in attracting exhibitors, speakers, media partners, sponsors, other attendees or contributors, and other participants (collectively “Participants”) to the Event. Based on this, and as consideration for the Producer granting your request to participate at the Event or become a Member, you hereby agree that during the term of the Event or in a Membership Program, you will not distribute materials or solicit other Participants at the Event or in Member Programs in connection with any investment product or service, or any product, service or activity similar in nature to any product, service or activity promoted by or conducted by the Producer or by any Participants at the Event. The Producer reserves the right to revoke the registration of any prospective attendee determined to have previously engaged in disruptive or inappropriate behavior or to have violated other conditions for attendance at prior Producer events or in Membership Programs, and to eject, refuse entry or withdraw Membership privileges to any attendee or Member exhibiting similar behavior.

Paid Event Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be received seven (7) days prior to event(s) for a partial refund, minus a cancellation fee. Cancellation fees will be $50 for Premium Master Class events and All Stars of Options, and $15 for all other paid events. No refunds or credits will be awarded for any reason after the first hour of a multi-hour event has passed, or where a meal is provided food has been consumed.

This notice and the respective obligations of the parties shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, USA, without regard to conflict of law provisions. Jurisdiction and exclusive venue for any disputes shall properly lie in a court of competent jurisdiction in Sarasota County in the State of Florida, USA.